This one is for the girls. How many times do we long to hear that special guy speak kind words to us? How often do we live to hear how much he loves us and how special we are? Girls, we put a lot of our self-worth into what a man thinks of us. We should be putting our worth into what Jesus thinks of us. Jesus has been described as many things, but personally I love that He is our lover. We are Jesus’ bride. Song of Songs is Jesus’ passion for us as His bride. This journal is going to show us the limited history, the amazing discovers made, and how once again God changed my life.
There is very little information about the history of Song of Songs. My passage was chapter 6 verses 2-9. It is believed that King Solomon wrote this passage. We know from the context that it takes place in a garden, probably somewhere in Solomon’s kingdom. It is believed to be writing somewhere around 965B.C, which would have been early in Solomon’s reign before he took so many wives. This is said because the focus of this passage is the husband love and passion for his wife.
This book has so many little treasures to be unwrapped. In verse 3, the husband is said to be among the lilies. The word lily in Hebrew is shûshan mean whiteness. Song of Songs 2:2 says “As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.” We are a lily so in God’s eyes we are white which is the color for being pure. Another treasure is found in verse 4. The husband calls his wife Tirzah which is tirtsâh which means delightsomeness and favorable. This definition is very fitting because in Numbers 27:1, Tirzah is the name for one of the daughters of Zelophehad, who found favor in the Lord and received the inheritance of their father. One of my favorite lines in the Bible comes from verse 5, “your hair is like a flock of Goats.” This verse is just awesome. On a sweeter and more amazing note, in verse 9 we are called the perfect one. In Hebrew, this is tâm which means perfect, complete, lacks nothing in physical strength or beauty, innocent, and integrity. Those are the things that Jesus thinks of us. In Song of Songs 5:2 says, “I slept but my heart was awake. Listen! My lover is knocking: Open to me, my sister, my darling, my dove, my flawless one. My head is drenched with dew, my hair with the dampness of the night.” These are the things Jesus thinks of you.
Jesus wants to be that man we long to hear from. He wants to be the one we run to. We can get the reassuring voice in your life to tell you how He loves you and how special you are. I definitely need to have that in my life and I love that I can go to Jesus for it and it will be the right type of dependence. I am working on putting my whole dependence on Jesus and not on a man. It means so much to me that Jesus thinks I am pure that I am a lily white princess. Jesus see’s me as being perfect and that means so much to me.
My favorite quote is “dance with Jesus and he will let the perfect man cut it.” I want to dance with Jesus. The whole passage of Song of Songs 6:2-9 is about Jesus being our lover, our number one. This passage is very special to me This journal is going to show us the limited history, the amazing discovers made, and how once again God changed my life.
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