Song of Songs 1: 9-17
Verse 15. "How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh how beautiful, your eyes are doves." - NIV
If we could just be quiet
and let Jesus speak to us. He would tell us the same thing. Darling you
are so very wrong. That isn't who you are at all. You my Beloved are
beautiful, you are clean, you are pure, you my beloved are fierce. You
need to believe in who I say you are because when you let the devil
undermined your self worth you give up your power over him. You are a
daughter of the ONE TRUE KING and we better start acting like it. When
we do all the talking we always end up stuck in our heads and that's a
dangerous place to be. We need to LISTEN. Jesus wants to speak to us
and we just need to sit still and listen.
of Songs isn't just this beautiful picture of what marriage can be, but
also a picture of your love for us. We are your beloved. Much like the
young women in the story we tend to spend our time with you doing all
the talking, which always leads to how we arent enough. We aren't pretty
enough, christian enough, strong enough, tough enough, smart enough,
ect. You want so much more for us then this self doubt and pity. If we
could be still and listen you would cleanse us with words of love and
affirmation. You would reminded us of who we are and who you are. God
help me to listen more.
In Jesus' name
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