Monday, October 25, 2010

life goes on

Life goes on. Even when we dont want it to, life still goes on. It has been 3 months now. Still no word from him. About once a month I will have a dream about him. The first two were down right nightmares.  The last one was a nice what should have been.  Almost a farewell dream.  There will always be a part of me that loves him.  Its time now to put that part aside and let life go on.  School has been awesome.  Its been challenging but i love the department and the people around me. I have made so many friends.  Its like the break up pushed me out of a comfort zone.  I have joined a club and act very social.  Ive noticed things that i did when i was with jon that I dont like and things i will change in my next relationship.  It has been a real learning time for me.  My brief stint with  Kevin showed me alot as well. Well back to studying.
Thank You Father, For all You have done for me. For the comfort and support You have always given me. Continue to give me the strength I need to carry on. Guide my footsteps and Guard my heart. Bring those who you will into my life and protect those I love. Love you Father.