Thursday, October 24, 2013

Graduate School

Wow so this blog has been inactive for 2 years. Let me tell you those 2 years were filled with many ups and downs. I can not even to begin to tell you all that has happened. What I will say is I am half way through my first semester of Grad School. I did survive getting my Bachelors in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and shoot I picked up a minor in Chemistry along the way.  God works in mysterious ways. If I had not gone through what I did with my ex, then I would have stayed in my comfort zone.  Thanks to me being outgoing and social, I got a job as a TA in the chemistry department at my undergrad school.  I feel in love with teaching.  If someone would have told me that I would love doing that 5 years ago, I would have laughed at them.  I am now working on my Masters in Pathology and Immunity.  I am a Professor at a local college teaching a Biology related lab and I am loving every minute of it.  Do I always love Grad school? No I don't.  I love some of my courses and dread every minute of others.  Thats the way Life is.  I just want to take a minute and say this. At the end of the spring in 2007, I was a college dropout, who was messed up in the wrong crowd.  I did things that I am so ashamed of doing.  I royally messed my life up!  Anyone would have thought and some even told me that I would amount to nothing.  What use was I? I had destroyed my GPA, I had no ambition, I burned the bridges with my family, I was messed up.  I am here to tell you that NO MATTER what you have done GOD CAN use you!  He turned my life around in a way I never thought possible. Looking back now I can see His finger prints all over my life.  You might be in a place where you think that nothing is going right, that you have destroyed your life. It WIll be OK! I promise.  It might not be today or tomorrow but it will happen. It took years for my life to get better and to be brutally honest there are days that now 6 years later that I still have the residual complications come up from my past.  BUT GOD brought me to this so HE WILL bring me through it!
I am going to post in a minute my letter that I sent with my application to graduate school.  I detail in it how amazing God worked my life out for this.  He is doing so in yours too.

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